This song was born during a fast-paced 5-minute drive to the dentist. I was feeling anxious and trying to stuff my feelings down…you might already know how well that works. The feelings clamored for my attention, wanting to be seen, acknowledged, held and validated – and told me so in the form of a song. Thanks, Feelings.

An alternate title for this song might be “A Conversation With My Own Anxiety” (…or perhaps with my own inner child.)

As the song fades to the closing chant of “Rest Child, you are seen” feel free to add more harmonies, or at least more voices, so all groups are singing – especially the group who was originally singing Part 1.


Part 1:
I wanna be seen
I wanna be felt
I wanna be loved
I wanna be held

Part 2:

Parts 3 and 4:
Rest Child, you are seen
Rest Child, you are seen

Or feel free to alternate:
Rest Child, you are safe
Rest Child, you are seen

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Bonus Harmony (for the end – and feel welcome to add your own):