
Living Room Choir has always been, and will remain, No One Turned Away for lack of funds.

We offer a sliding scale. When you pay the upper end of that scale, know that you are directly supporting the community to be sustainable and welcoming of those who cannot fund their own way. If you cannot meet the minimum suggestion, you are welcome to pay what you can. If you are among those who cannot fund your own way (whether in part or full), know that there are many valuable ways to contribute to a community – not just financial.

To enroll for an event:
Make your intent to attend an event clear over email (or text with Kaitie), and send your payments via one of the methods below. You can also include a memo with your online payment to clarify what the payment is for.

  1. Venmo: venmo.com/KaitieTy-Warren
  2. Paypal: paypal.me/kaitiety (please select “Sending to Friend” or “Friends and Family” to avoid fees)
  3. If you prefer to mail a check, contact Kaitie for address. Checks can be made out to Kaitie Ty Warren
  4. You can also bring check or cash to the event itself

Some food for thought: If you want to support in non-financial ways, there are many! This meme gives a few ideas to get you started. If you have time or a skill to donate to support the choir in a hands-on way, that is also very welcome.