Please Join Us!

For a Living Room Choir ANEW: BIG SING

Saturday, May 11, 2024
Indoors with cross ventilation (dress warmly), masks suggested
$10-25 suggested
At Grace Lutheran Church
15 Santa Fe, El Cerrito CA
(street parking/1 mile from El Cerrito Plaza BART)
You can also join via Zoom!*

Eventbrite Link

This event gives us the opportunity not only to share the songs that we’ve been singing, but to share the spirit and joy that we experience when we raise our voices together. Come get some of the heart-brightening harmonies, available to all of us in the “living room!” There will be light teaching on most of our songs: you can sing along, or just listen.

By donation; suggested sliding scale $10-25. All proceeds go toward the continuation of this community choir. No amount is too small or too large – we can use it all to support this work and community. You can make your donation through our Payments page or at the event itself. Seats are not reserved. If you send payment ahead of time, please include a memo so we know it’s for the Big Sing.

This is an all-ages space and very welcoming of families. We understand you may need to come and go and/or not remain seated which is all fine. There is an adjacent, more kid-friendly room at the back of the sanctuary as well.

To access the Big Sing via Zoom:

You must register in advance using this link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. This our first time offering a hybrid Zoom/In-Person option, and we ask your patience in case there are any technical hiccups.
Our plan is to record the Zoom meeting so the recording will be available to all who are registered. Registering for this will also add your email to our general mailing list, which you can opt out of at any time.

Safety Acknowledgement:
This event is indoors, with ventilation, ceiling fans and air filters. We will offer but not require singer’s masks, and there is plenty of space to distance for those who’d like to. The choir members will all be rapid-tested that day.

Land Acknowledgement:

Grace Church is located on unceded xučyun (Huichin) home territory (what is now known as Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, Piedmont, Emeryville and Albany, California). The Chochenyo speaking Lisjan Ohlone people, have lived on this land for thousands of years. Choir leaders pay voluntary Shuumi land tax, and you can too: